Automatically posted links for November 30th through December 2nd:
- AEI - The problem of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood
- Egypt frees jailed Shiite rights activists: lawyers - Dereini released
- Self-styled morality police now commonplace in Egypt - This story might slightly exagerate but it is definitely becoming more common - just try to take the metro if you're female. My question is whether this is personal initiative or organized dawa.
- Training your first responders - MountainRunner - I feel bad for laughing at this (thanks, x)
- Arab FMs see Livni as ?Dracula's younger sister? - "Why doesn't anyone want to shake my hand?" she asked. "Why doesn't anyone want to be seen speaking to me?"
- "Roger Cohen: Viva Mubarak, Fuera Chavez!" by Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine) - Ken Silverstein points out Roger Cohen's double standards -- but it's not just about strategic interests, Ken. It's also and has long been about racism against non-white, (mostly) non-Christian people.
- Blogosphère marocaine : liens utiles - Larbi's list of useful links to the Moroccan blogosphere